* All artwork on this page is the property of Walt Disney Animation Studios and is not to be reproduced or redistributed in any form.

Bot Fight


Early dev pass of the Bot Fight that later became the films intro. Early on we had this ‘brother summit’ where we shared stories and Don Hall really liked one of mine about when my step-brother and I used to shark other teens at the local arcade (Street Fighter 2) for pizza money.


Laser Heist

An early version of the scene where Hiro, desperate to catch his brother's killer, ditches the team and thrusts himself into harms way. This was also when our villain had a gang & the characters were based on much earlier, designs. 


Yokai Siege

This assignment was to explore how our villain “Yokai” could possibly be utilizing nano-bot technology in a visual way that could believably overpower a military base and take control of it, establishing him as a genuine supervillain threat.